Traditional and Digital Marketing,
Design and Media Services

is to make small businesses grow, through professional and affordable freelance marketing communications
that are focused on strategy and
effective creative and media resources.
B.A. Language and Literature
M.S. Mass Communications
My professional capacity in the field of marketing communications is founded on my academic preparation, spiked by a passion for language and communication science, and upheld by professional experience and personal standards of excellence and integrity.
I graduated from Boston University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Language and Literature and a Master of Science degree in Mass Communication Science with a concentration in advertising. These fields are intertwined and essential to marketing and the development of effective message, design and media strategies. These are fundamental in today's highly competitive marketplace and internet driven world.
I am a FREELANCER, driven to provide marketing solutions and digital world COMPETITIVENESS
to resolve needs of small businesses and individual entrepreneurs.
I deliver TOP-NOTCH marketing essentials, without agency overhead or binding contracts.
I prioritize on reaching small businesses' OBJECTIVES, through purposeful STRATEGY and detail-oriented EXECUTION
in every effort to reach your customers.
No matter how small your budget is, I ensure every word in your message counts,
and every element in THE DESIGN IS RELEVANT towards your goal.
I have over 20 years industry EXPERIENCE in Boston, New York City, Central America, Florida and Western Pennsylvania.